Shinjukumura Studio is a multipurpose rental studio that can be used for dance,
theater and stage. The studio is open to practitioners of all art forms, including students as well as professionals.
With a total of 39 studio rooms, ranging from large studios for large-scale stage rehearsals to small studios suitable for individual lessons, Shinjukumura Studio is equipped to handle large-scale dress rehearsals with sets. In addition to ballet, tap dancing, and flamenco dancing, the multipurpose facility can handle a wide range of events including dramas, musicals, concert rehearsals, wind instrument and choral recitals, auditions, television, and video recordings.
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Click here for short-term reservations and online reservations.
Studio accessories and additional equipment are available at a charge. For help, click here.
We also accept bookings for long durations. For details.
Private parking is available for studio guests. For help, Click here.
1972年、当スタジオの前身となる16mm映画制作スタジオから、より充実したスタジオを提供すべく、多目的な内容に対応可能なスタジオを設置し運営してまいりました。 ロケーションの良さも相まって、著名な役者の方々に愛されて成長を続けてまいりました。 演劇だけでなく、ダンス、音楽など芸術文化を担う表現者たちが自由に集い、夢に向かって羽ばたいていける場所として、さらなる成長を目指します。
Since opening our first 16mm movie production studio in 1972, wehave strived to offer a range of services to satisfy the diverse needsof our customers. Thanks to its good location, the studio has continued to grow and is loved by many prominent actors. We hope to continue to grow as a place where artists who practice forms of artistic and cultural expression, such as dance and music as well as theater, can gather freely and develop their skills to realize their dreams.

Shinjukumura Studio has operated for many years as a rehearsal venue where artists who create culture can interact. The studio grew from the Shinjukumura Live concept of providing a place for presentations, but was incorporated into Shinjukumura Studio and refurbished in conjunction with redevelopment in 2014 and has come to be supported by many people. We hope to continue to grow together with artists as a special place for practicing diverse forms of artistic expression in addition to theater-oriented performing arts.